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Reminder: Complete and Post the OSHA 300A Summary of 2019 Injuries & Illnesses by February 1, 2020

It’s time to complete your OSHA 300A Summary form of work-related injuries and illnesses for 2019. You will need your OSHA 300 log from 2019, the average number of employees during 2019, the business SIC or NAICS code, and the cumulative number of manhours worked by employees during 2019. The form needs to be signed by the owner or highest ranking company official working at the site.

Who needs to do this? If your company had 10 or more employees some time during the past year (and is not part of the government), you need to do this. (more…)

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Is it time to trash the Fitted Respirator for a PAPR?

When a worker needs a respirator with a charcoal-type filter (for a gas) a significant amount of time per day to protect from a significant air contaminate hazard, traditional practice is to use a fitted respirator. Many companies are not yet aware that the new Powered Air Purifying Respirators (abbreviated PAPR) are often a better choice...(than a fitted respirator) for the both company and the worker.

A PAPR system is 5 times more effective in purifying the air the worker breathes, the system is more comfortable (with cool air flow), and the OSHA requirement for annual fit testing and facial hair shaving for fitted respirators does not apply for a PAPR system. (more…)

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July 29, 2019

Don't get Zapped by OSHA for Electrical Violations

OSHA inspections are on the rise at printing companies, and most audits result in citations for electrical violations. Companies typically are not aware when their facility has numerous electrical compliance violations, which leaves your company (more…)

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Deadline for Submitting OSHA 300A Summary to OSHA Electronically is March 2, 2019

Establishments in most industries with 20 to 249 employees must submit injury and illness data (from the OSHA 300A annual summary) to OSHA electronically.  Follow this link for a list of industries affected by this requirement:

Click here..

Because of confusion over the rule, more than a third of workplaces required to submit 300A data did not upload their reports in 2017 (with 2016 injury/illness summary data). OSHA has indicated that they will begin cracking down on companies that do not file as required.

If there is any confusion on completing the OSHA 300 and 300A forms for your company, refer to this link:


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Complete and Post the OSHA 300A Summary by Febuary 1

If your company has 10 or more employees(and is not part of the government) ....It's time to complete your OSHA 300A Summary form of work-related injuries and illnesses for 2018. You will need your OSHA 300 log from 2018, the average number of employees during 2018, the business SIC or NAICS code, and the cumulative number of manhours worked by employees during 2018. The form needs to be signed by the owner or highest ranking company official working at the site.

Check the OSHA 300 log entries prior to adding numbers for the OSHA 300A summary form. This is now more important than in the past. This is because if your company has 20 or more employees, and have any sort of industrial activities you will be required to upload your 300A data through an on-line process to OSHA.

How to check your 300 log entries:  (more…)

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OSHA cites a Printer Big $ - Lacking a Safety Program can cost

Commercial Printer Cited For Exposing Employees to
Amputation, Electrical, and Fall Hazards

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has cited Nupress of Miami Inc. for exposing employees to amputation, electrical, and fall hazards. The Doral, Florida, commercial printer faces $71,139 in penalties.

OSHA cited the company for a lack of machine guarding on several pieces of equipment; failing to establish a lockout/tagout program when performing equipment maintenance and servicing; exposing workers to fall and electrical shock hazards; not implementing a written hazard communication program; and improper storage of flammable liquids.

“Implementing safety and health programs that identify and correct workplace hazards are required to minimize employees’ risk of serious or fatal injuries,” said OSHA Fort Lauderdale Area Office Director Condell Eastmond.

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March 19, 2018

ISO 45001 Standard for Safety Systems Just Issued

The criteria for the first ISO standard on occupational health and safety (OH&S) management systems has just been released.  While it's not likely that the majority of US companies will jump at the opportunity to become certified soon, the standard  provides a uniform model that we can utilize as appropriate for the needs at our companies. Check out this article that provides an overview of the management system.  Copies of the ISO 45001 standard can be purchased from ANSI.



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November 26, 2017

OSHA has delayed the compliance date to Dec 15 for employers

In case you are struggling with submitting your company OSHA 300A data by the December 1 deadline....
OSHA has delayed the compliance date for employers to electronically submit injury and illness data, yet again. The new deadline is December 15, 2017. See this link for details: Click here...

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November 15, 2017

How to submit the 2016 OSHA 300A summary data on-line

Alert: Do it Now! The deadline for initial submission is December 1, 2017

Manufacturers, printing companies, and other high risk industries that had 20 or more employees (plus temps reporting to the company) on any one day during 2016 are required to submit their 2016 OSHA 300A data summary to the new OSHA Injury Tracking Application (ITA) by December 1, 2017. The OSHA 300A summary data for 2017 must be submitted by July 1, 2018. Sites that are not in high risk industries only need to submit data for any site with 250 or more employees.  There are a few exceptions: Some state run OSHA programs, such as California, have not adopted using the ITA for data submission. If you have some sites in a state with a state-run OSHA program, you likely will not have to submit the OSHA 300A data for that site yet.

If you have a one site company, this process should only take around 30 minutes. If your company forgot to make and post the 300A form in January of this year, you have some catch-up work to do. Note that the executive who signs the OSHA 300A annually, is responsible (and accountable to OSHA) to ensure the data submitted is correct. If a corporate entity decides to submit data for multiple plants through a single account, it will involve creating a batch cvs file (and significantly more time).

This list will get you going… (more…)

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